Improving B2B success with Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES).

In today's highly competitive business environment, understanding and improving customer satisfaction is also a priority in the B2B sector. The introduction of Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES) can be a turning point for companies looking to succeed in customer centricity. In this article, we explore how NPS and CES can actually be implemented in B2B settings and discuss the best tools and platforms available to streamline the process.The Power of NPS in B2B.

Net Promoter Score, commonly known as NPS, is a metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Although it is more often associated with B2C companies, its application in a B2B context is just as valuable. NPS measures the likelihood that customers will recommend your products or services to others, providing a simple but understandable metric.

In B2B, implementing NPS involves surveying business customers and asking the famous question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?" Respondents are then classified as promoters (9-10), passives (7-8) and opponents (0-6).

Analyzing NPS data in a B2B context allows organizations to identify areas for improvement, build stronger relationships with customers and ultimately improve customer retention. It is an effective tool to drive growth and ensure customer loyalty in the long term.

Use of CES in improved customer service

CES (Customer Effort Score) is another important metric in the B2B world. It measures how easily customers can complete their tasks while interacting with your business. A low CES score indicates that customers find your organization easy to work with, which is the most important factor in customer satisfaction.

Implementing CES in B2B requires surveying customers, such as "On a sā€ This information provides actionable insights into areas where customers may be experiencing unnecessary difficulties, and enables businesses to streamline their processes accordingly.

cale of 1-7, how easy was it to resolve your issue with our support team?

By focusing on reducing customer effort, B2B organizations can increase satisfaction, reduce churn

and build loyal brand advocates.

Choosing the best NPS and CES tools

To effectively implement NPS and CES in your B2B operations, you need the right software and tools. Here are some options to consider.

Medallia competitors and alternatives: Medallia is a well-known player in the field of customer experience management. However, there are alternatives such as Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and SurveyGizmo that offer robust NPS and CES survey capabilities.

CSAT software: Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is closely related to NPS and CES. Tools like Zendesk, Freshdesk, and Zoho Desk offer CSAT survey capabilities, making them ideal for B2B organizations that want to get comprehensive feedback.

Feedback collection tools: Tools like Delighted, GetFeedback and Nicereply are designed to collect and analyze customer feedback, including NPS and CES data. Customer Feedback Platforms: Platforms like AskNicely and Wootric specialize in NPS and CES systems, offering end-to-end solutions to gather insights and make improvements.

Online Feedback: For businesses that want to collect feedback through mobile apps and websites, tools like Usabilla and Survicate offer user-friendly interfaces and in-depth analytics.

WhatsApp Surveys: Diversify your survey channels by using tools like SurveySparrow or the WhatsApp Business API to create and share surveys via WhatsApp, a platform that many B2B customers often use.

Increasing B2B Success with NPS and CES

Implementing NPS and CES in a B2B environment requires a strategic approach:

Segment your audience: B2B customers have different needs and expectations. Segment your audience to tailor NPS and CES surveys to specific customer groups, ensuring relevance and accuracy. Regular feedback loop: Create a regular feedback process to keep up with customer feedback. Consistency is key to understanding changes in customer satisfaction over time.

Act on feedback: NPS and CES data are only valuable if you act on them. Use the results of these points to improve your processes, products and services.

Train your team: Make sure your customer service teams are well trained to handle feedback and resolve issues effectively. A seamless customer experience can have a significant impact on NPS and CES results.

Promote advocacy: Encourage advertisers to become advocates for your brand. Use their positive feedback and willingness to recommend your company to generate referrals and build trust in the B2B space.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES) are not limited to B2C business. In B2B operations, they can be effective tools for measuring customer loyalty, satisfaction and ease of doing business with your organization. By choosing the right tools and taking a strategic approach, B2B companies can harness the potential of NPS and CES to improve customer relationships, accelerate growth and stay ahead in today's competitive market. Don't forget to explore new channels like WhatsApp surveys to reach your B2B customers where they are, making feedback gathering even more convenient and effective.